The tragic story of Jean Pierre Adams

La trágica historia de Jean Pierre Adams
Jean Pierre Adams, a footballer with a tragic story. FOTO: 20 minutos

Last update 6 September, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

The story of Jean Pierre Adams is one of those stories that life has, tragic the way in which it occurs. Nacido en Senegal en 1948, migrated very young to France thanks to his grandmother took him to the Gallic country to make a better life. A las 8 years was abandoned in an orphanage where he was finally adopted. With stunning athleticism, He became elite footballer and international with France. Pero…¿quién es Jean Pierre Adams and what happened to him?. If you read what you have.

The tragedy of Jean Pierre Adams

As we have already told, Adams came to France as a child and began to stand out playing soccer, especially because of his impressive and powerful physique.. Nimes noticed him and made him debut in the French first division where he even managed to reach the runner-up. Thanks to its excellent performance, He managed to reach the French team with which he played 22 parties.

In the early 70, He signed for Nice where he was going to coincide with Marius Trésor. Together, they would form a pair of strong central, dura. Such was his forcefulness, who were called the Black guard. Those were definitely his best years as a professional player. In the late 70, he signed for PSG at that time was almost a new team, newly founded where the player was to begin his decline.

La Guardia Negra destacaron en el fútbol francés de los 70.
Blackwatch highlighted in the French football 70. FOTO: L’ Equipe

His career was fading in 1981. When he was playing in the French third, He started having problems with his knees, punished after many years at a high level. He had touched a ligament so that an operation had to be performed even at that time, It was not difficult. He 17 de marzo de 1982 went to the operating room to have surgery.

Now it is when comes the sad, and even tragic absurdity of the story. Adams who at that time had only 34 años, he told his wife not to worry, “everything is going well, think of me and come find me in 8 days, Do not forget crutches” He told his wife and returned to no longer say anything else. The anesthetist made a terrible mistake and left him in a coma. Jean Pierre Adams.

A negligence sentenced him to half life in a coma until his death

The absurdity came later when the investigation revealed that on that day there was only one anesthetist trainee also had to make several anesthesias that day. He was wrong with Adams and condemned the French player to live like a vegetable for the rest of his life until his death on 6 de septiembre de 2021. A tragic story that no doubt, sobering and that Colgados for football we have told.

Jean Pierre Adams, el triste protagonista de una trágica historia.
Jean Pierre Adams, the sad protagonist of a tragic story. FOTO: L´Equipe

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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